The Awkana Buddha Statue curved on a single stone
explanation – 1
One’s life is not a
permanent it change with what he has
if he do good things the state of
life goes to a up level and if he did bad thing the next state of life goes to
a low level state '
up level states :- gods fairies humens etc
low level states :- animals like beings
more low level states :- ghost etc
But even a the state of god is not a permanent
state after the end of the good energy
he collected by doing good works the being comes to a lower level lives
same as bad soules goes up after the end of the bad energy collected by he or
she doing bad things'
up down down up endless tour is called sansara '
beings in sansara are with sufferings '
endup of these endless suffering describe
as the nirwana
nirwana is not a state after the death'
a state of mind which can attainable in the life time'
Lord Buddha showed the way how to endup these endless sufferings and get free from
humen state is describe as the most valuable state because they can study and
follow the Lord Buddha showing path and
get find the real door to exit the dreadful awesome sansara
rebirth is not accept in Buddhist philosophy '
to the explanation the new born is not the same one in the past life but with
some relation with past state of life'
according to the Buddhist explanation there is not a permanent soul which is going one life to another life
do not accept timeless permanent hell or
heaven in lives
Lord Buddha as he called by foreigners "did not introduce a new religion but
he preaches a philosophy and a path way to endup this endless sufferings
real natural laws of lives and the way how the end these endless sufferings
word buddhisum is incorrect because it
is not a religion' it should be the Buddhist
Those preches of the Lord Buddha is not only preched to the
Buddhists but preched to all beings
which who can understand the truth" no demand"
no force and asking come and learn" study "
jnvestigate and practice accept after the
realization explanations are correct
the book many loves many lives written about Edgar Cayce readings by Gina Cerminara-
Willium Morrow and Company INC to get some nowadays evidence for sansara
translated to sinhala by Ven Kannimahara Sumangala Thero - Rathna book publishers -ISBN
the valuable book What the Buddha Taught by Professor Ven Walpola Sri Rahula
Thero -Gordon Fraser Bedford England 1959"
Grove press New York USA 1962
L'Enseignement du Bouddha Editions Seuil Paris 1961
Was der Buddha Lehrt Origo Verlag Zurich Swisterland 1963
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